poe polybius (human p03) - a redesign!

my design for him is EXTREMELY outdated (aka in the days i was afraid to adjust too much) but now, ive revamped it, along with a slightly different outfit! (read more if you want to see my long asf explanation)


all changes -

1. height

with my recent height adjustments, i had changed the height for every character for a more accurate depiction. poe was not an exception, and i think of him as 6'. 6' used to equal height 6/20, but that changed.

2. face

one of the most important adjustments i made, which started this whole makeover. i wanted to make another char wear his glasses, but. he just looked so...bad without glasses. and when i first made his design, i was afraid to adjust the eyes too much or else it would look bad if i were to use any other eyes (aka preset eyes, like if he were to blink) now that i've adjusted them, they don't actually look that bad. i've also adjusted the colors, which i was also afraid to change for the same reasons. but this time, it's for a valid reason, and this is the issue that pops up;

as you can see, on the preset eye, its the color of the iris. this is because this specific eye already has a preset outline color, and the main and sub colors are for the iris. this is how the problem sets in; eyes typically use the sub color for the eye line. but...it doesn't look too bad, to be honest. if it actually bothers me enough, ill just change it if i change the eyes.

and i just HAD to change that horrendous blush of his. in the original, i was going for like...an eyebag look. obviously, that went wrong. so, i fixed it! it just looks...way better. it still has the eyebag look, too. i also changed the colors of the shadow, the "transition" was NOT it.

3. clothing/accessories

you cannot look at this and tell me he ISN'T dripped out right now. i love it.
as much as the hoodie was already good enough, i thought, "what if he had a sense of fashion," so...bam! i also thought there was a little too much cyan, (and i mean, what the hell are those shoes?) and the gloves were a little off putting. so i changed the shoes, and changed the color of the gloves. (and just overall color palette, honestly) i felt the ripped jeans on both sides was a little much, so i kept it at one. and of course, the fishnets had to stay. i just darkened it. and, the shirt...

its pretty much inspired by/based off that. (the fitness marshall) i really love their shirts honestly, even though they are for working out. i think they'd just look great as a normal shirt.

and the headphones had adjustments too. first of all, the single lens thingy was cool, right? but on glasses? that was really pushing it, so i removed it. i also adjusted the headphones to fit on the head better.

4. hair

most changes are minor adjustments and color changes, plus the highlight. it follows my usual style, with the rear hair being the same, darker color. but i also decided to make the front hair have a gradient, so i guess its more like my akira/joker design. i also changed the ahoge, i think it looks a little more natural than the last. (side note, as much as long haired poe looks cool, i don't think it rlly fits him!! lol)


and that's about all of them! and no, i won't compare it with the oldest design. you can already tell what's different, he's just there for show.


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