a proper introduction: stag (read more)

for his design, there really isn't much meaning behind it. it could be revamped, but not right now. and what would be his persona? unfortunately, i couldnt think that far. maybe reigan himself? or the golden deer? other than that, i have thought of some gameplay aspects:
arcana - moon
trait - leciester lineage; multiplies xp by 1.2%
main weapon - sword of begalta/dahaka (shahid's axe)
gun - failnaught
magic - wind
fallen star (gun) - similar to akechi's riot gun, based off of few3h's fallen star
curved shot (gun) - similar to one-shot kill
poison arrow > poison mist
crest of riegan (passive, acts like an item skill, unable to unequip) - 30% / 15% chance of recovering hp when using combat skills (increases from level) 
confidant skills:
1 - notes on poisons: allows you to craft poisons/antidotes.
2 - baton pass
3 - follow up
4 - (undecided)
5 - (undecided)
6 - harisen recovery
7 - jack-of-all traits - ability to use different weapons.
8 - endure
9 - protect
10 - second awakening
(his theme would definitely be this - https://youtu.be/T1KVjzo9E40)
i'll definitely update if i think of more!



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